How To Use infant mortality In A Sentence
- Food sharing with nonkin reduces the costs to kin of child rearing, but also reduces the resources recaptured by kin after an infant death, so evolved infant mortality is lower. Archive 2008-06-01
- The two variables are infant mortality per 1000 live births and gross national product per head.
- Moreover, the high number of births in a family is offset by the high incidence of infant mortality.
- Except as noted below, data on all cause and cause specific child and infant mortality and of age distribution of child and infant mortality were regional estimates or other aggregates.
- And, while we are at it, and just to pick up on one of Arnold's areas of interest, the overwhelming majority of students and people are completely unaware of how lousy is the US performance in life expectancy and infant mortality compared to the rest of the world, nor how much more we pay for this wonderful performance than do those elsewhere. I Heart Textbook Authors, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
- In one trial, installation of the equipment reduced infant mortality from 10 percent of the litter to 0.5 percent.
- The city's most shocking statistic is its high infant mortality rate.
- Infant mortality is much higher in the poorest areas of the city.
- Infant mortality is frequently assumed to be an especially sensitive indicator of severe poverty.
- Prior to World War I, infant mortality rates in the workhouses were more than double the rate for the entire population.