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  1. an onerous or difficult concern
    the burden of responsibility
    that's a load off my mind
  2. a charge against property (as a lien or mortgage)
  3. any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome

How To Use incumbrance In A Sentence

  • That ride into the blue did not encourage the cavalry to the belief that they would be of real value in a warfare of trench lines and barbed wire, but for a long time later they were kept moving backward and forward between the edge of the battlefields and the back areas, to the great incumbrance of the roads, until they were "guyed" by the infantry, and irritable, so their officers told me, to the verge of mutiny. Now It Can Be Told
  • My wish is to be anywhere with you, papa; _anywhere_ -- even though you may feel me an incumbrance. The Lovels of Arden
  • A book of this kind is not larger than a thin octavo, and it maybe easily carried by your maid in her reticule without any parade, as, if it should not be wanted, it will be of very little incumbrance; whereas, if you have a table and the apparatus for drawing carried out, and should not happen to be visited by the pictorial muse, you will find it very disagreeable to be joked on so formidable a preparation having produced no result. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • But the length of its course, even when thus reduced, is still a considerable difficulty, and a great incumbrance on the hypothesis. The Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa, in the Year 1805
  • But where? without going to the Western Country, I am unable, as yet to decide; as the best, if not all the Land I have on the East side of the Aleghanies are under Leases, or some kind of incumbrance or another. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 2, 1917
  • In addition to the soldiery was a multitude of non-combatants and other incumbrances, which Historic Tales, Vol. 8 (of 15) The Romance of Reality
  • Magellan and I regretted very much that we had omitted bringing the empty water barrico from Cocoa-nut Bay with us, for now we could have filled it and carried a supply with us in the event of our being unable to come across another spring; but none of the other men would carry it, and he and I after taking it along for a time had thrown it away before the end of our first day's pilgrimage, it being as much as we could do to drag ourselves along without being hampered with an empty cask that might after all be a useless incumbrance. The Penang Pirate and, The Lost Pinnace
  • And to obviate any difficulties or misunderstanding which might arise from leaving indeterminate the sum necessary to be appropriated for the civil establishment of each of the respective powers, that the sum be now ascertained which is indispensably necessary to be applied to those purposes, and which is to be held sacred under every emergency, and set apart previous to the application of the rest of the revenues, as hereby stipulated, for the purposes of mutual or common defence against any enemy, for _clearing_ the incumbrance which may have become necessarily incurred in addition to the expenditure of those revenues _which must be always deemed part of the war establishment_. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 03 (of 12)
  • If she have children, the estate is considered to belong to them, while she is but an "incumbrance" upon it. History of Woman Suffrage, Volume I
  • French civil law considers priority as a incumbrance, when it inherit Roma law.
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