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[ UK /ɪmjˌuːnəlˈɒd‍ʒɪkə‍l/ ]
[ US /ˌɪmjunəˈɫɑdʒɪkəɫ/ ]
  1. of or relating to immunology

How To Use immunological In A Sentence

  • Nossal continued his work on B cells and tolerance and brought back from England his outstanding Sydney University contemporary, Jacques Miller, to further explore the immunological significance of the thymus. The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
  • Taking into account the circulating B cells and calculating the quantity of antibody per immunologically-distinct epitope, the conclusion was that an infant could mount a response to the antigens present in “10 000 vaccines”. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Both domestic and wild turkeys are very susceptible to infection when they are young but appear to develop parasite species- or strain-specific immunological resistance as they age.
  • Despite initial immunological or pharmacological control, remote relapses of intracellular leishmanial infections are well recognised.
  • Enhancing immunocompetence is the significant bioactivity of polysaccharides which can enhance special and non-special immunological function of organism.
  • The viruses actually use this adhesion to their advantage, to gain access to the cell, but adhesion molecules can bind immunologicaly important microorganisms, which is an important proof of concept. Stuck on you, biological Velcro and the evolution of adaptive immunity - The Panda's Thumb
  • The freemartin story culminates in the report of Billingham, Brent and Medawar describing an acquired immunological tolerance produced by neonatal injection of donor cells into a future allograft recipient (14). Joseph E. Murray - Nobel Lecture
  • This T cell (blue), one of the immune system's principle means of defense, identifies the molecular signature of a dendritic cell (green) at a junction between the two called the immunological synapse. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • In the near future, the hospital will also have automatic and computerized equipment in the laboratories, immunological radio tests, fast diagnosis using microbiology, clinical immunology and enzymology, clinical genetics, electronic microscopy, immunochemistry. INAUGURATION OF THE CENTRO HABANA HOSPITAL
  • Grafting of normal tissue was systematically studied by Medawar who was able to show among other things that the graft reaction is an immunity phenomenon of the same nature as the tuberculin reaction and that the cellular immunological pattern is an expression of the individual genetic constitution. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1960 - Presentation Speech
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