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[ UK /ˌɪmjuːna‍ɪzˈe‍ɪʃən/ ]
  1. the act of making immune (especially by inoculation)

How To Use immunisation In A Sentence

  • Hyperimmune responses, either at the initial immunisation challenge or in the amplification of immune response, can be observed in cellular mechanisms such as basophil degranulation, or at a molecular level, with changes in the levels of messengers such as leukotrienes; reduction of the intensity of these mechanisms are described in terms of molecular pharmacology, such as selective or nonselective inhibition of lipoxygenases. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • The drive toward nationwide immunization never regained its momentum after the Cutter scare.
  • FOREMAN: The governor is saying no to money for what she calls expanding unemployment benefits, immunization, senior care and more, including $171 million for education, which could include new and expanded programs she says the state will not be able to pay for when the stimulus money runs out. CNN Transcript Mar 20, 2009
  • Immunization during pregnancy is contraindicated because the effects on the fetus are unknown.
  • There is no evidence that immunisation causes atopy.
  • They suggest that their evidence based refutations of erroneous beliefs commonly expressed by immunisation defaulters are useful in dispelling their concerns.
  • Behring, however, who announced, in 1913, his production of a mixture of this kind, and subsequent work which modified and refined the mixture originally produced by Behring resulted in the modern methods of immunization which have largely banished diphtheria from the scourges of mankind. Emil von Behring - Biography
  • Although smallpox has no known cure or specific treatment, the disease was beaten with a massive, worldwide immunization campaign.
  • The drive toward nationwide immunization never regained its momentum after the Cutter scare.
  • Most immunisations are given by injection, usually into the muscle or fat of the outer thigh or upper arm.
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