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  1. a midwestern state in north-central United States

How To Use Ill. In A Sentence

  • His wife shopped him to me with a bitter complaint about his clothes bill.
  • Yorkshire abused by such a pitiful prater; and when wrought up to a certain pitch, she would turn and say something of which neither the matter nor the manner recommended her to Mr. Donne's good - will. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • Tåkern is quite a large lake and in olden times it must have been larger still. The Wonderful Adventures of Nils
  • Congress houses most of its collections in three buildings on Capitol Hill.
  • The temperature was -25, but much colder with the wind-chill.
  • It was really cold, with a sneaky, penetrating breeze to provide an extra wind-chill.
  • Nevertheless, CNN has talked to a "language analyst" who gets paid to "[analyze and catalogue] trends in word usage and word choice and their impact on culture," and they report that Obama was too "professorial," and now America is at grave risk of not passing its midterm exams on the oil spill. Obama Oil Spill Speech Criticized By CNN's Language Analyst For Not Being Moronic Enough [UPDATE]
  • Perry, in a fishing jacket, moving like a marionette that swallowed a pneumatic drill.
  • (= Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, Bd. 76), Leiden: Brill. Intentionality in Ancient Philosophy
  • Whereas quotations with an apothegmatic feel are normally ascribed to Shaw, those with a more grandiose or belligerent tone are almost automatically credited to Churchill.
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