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[ US /ˈɪɫiəd/ ]
  1. a Greek epic poem (attributed to Homer) describing the siege of Troy

How To Use Iliad In A Sentence

  • The Greek word for gutsy, which is all I remember from translating bits of the Iliad, is thumos. The Inner Teeny-Tiny Ski Patrol
  • In _Iliad_, II. 388, the shield (_aspis_) is spoken of as "covering a man about" ([Greek: _amphibrotae_]), while, in the heat of battle, the baldric (_telamon_), or belt of the shield, "shall be wet with sweat. Homer and His Age
  • Translations by him appear in Welsh hymnaries; he also made metrical renderings in Welsh of passages from Homer's Iliad.
  • Unity of design, however, caused him to publish the poem under the same pseudonyme as his former work: and the disjointed lays of the ancient bards were joined together, like those relating to the Cid, into a chronicle history, named the Iliad. The Iliad of Homer
  • It may be the height of Viliad fashion, but it's not exactly human evening dress.
  • Eyes half closed, head tipped back in a light trance, he could cite baseball statistics as the ancients unreeled The Iliad. THE SHIPPING NEWS
  • Along with The Odyssey, The Iliad is one of the oldest extant works of Western literature and helped establish the practice of committing oral history and stories to paper, rather than preserving them solely by word of mouth. 100 Greatest Books #25-21 | Fandomania
  • The want of opportunity to pay this compliment to Hector, furnishes Andromache with matter of lamentation, which is related in the Iliad. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 372, May 30, 1829
  • For a moment I considered taking his batardeau to replace the knife I had lost so many chiliads ago, but the thought of wielding a poisoned blade was repugnant. The Urth of the New Sun
  • In both cases you have not even come within bowshot of the Iliad, and if you are being led to think that you have, somebody is lying to you.
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