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  1. a member of the largest ethnic group in southeastern Nigeria
    most Igbo are farmers

How To Use Igbo In A Sentence

  • most Igbo are farmers
  • a neigbours web aged wife pick pocketing wild passions seeing them come crashing down tall babeldom sky scraper longings once touching trembling doors of my beloved now writhing in death throes in a rubble The Darker Side of the Moon « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • And like the British authorities who were blind to the Igbo tradition of ‘sitting on a man,’ the French remained oblivious to the extent of Ewe women's informal political authority.
  • Not many of us in the pigboat fleet left either. The Savage Horde
  • It was also possible in some societies, such as the Fon kingdom of Dahomey or the Igbo, for a woman to acquire the rights of a husband over another woman.
  • Nigerians are not Xhosa; Nigerians speak Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba, Kanuri and English, among others. What I disliked about District 9 « Digital immigrant
  • She leaned across the desk, picked up the phone and yabbered away in what I thought was Igbo and sat back down again. A DARKENING STAIN
  • Enyi = jigong at Lofthall, fired by Halling (name means friend in Igbo) SKENE CAST OF CHARACTERS
  • Artifacts unearthed at shrines and burial grounds at Igbo-Ukwe—mostly ironware and pottery—attest to the society's multilayered social organization. B. Forest West Africa
  • FWIW, its the Igbo people in Nigeria and the Ga people in Ghana that celebrate this. Should you be bothered that Pres. Obama bowed to the Japanese emperor? « Dating Jesus
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