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  1. visual examination of the uterus and uterine lining using an endoscope inserted through the vagina

How To Use hysteroscopy In A Sentence

  • Objective : To compare the sedation efficacy, adverse effects of propofol - ketamine versus propofol for hysteroscopy.
  • I speak now of ultrasound imaging, fetal heart monitoring electronically, hysteroscopy, fetoscopy - things that gave us a window into the womb. Bernard Nathanson: On his conversion to the pro-life cause
  • The commonest indication for hysteroscopy is the investigation of abnormal uterine bleeding.
  • A hysteroscopy is an examination of the inside of the womb using a telescope called a hysteroscope.
  • Diagnostic hysteroscopy. Hysteroscopy is sometimes used to diagnose a condition involving the uterine cavity.
  • Hysteroscopy can also be used to diagnose intrauterine adhesions.
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