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hydatidiform mole

  1. an abnormality during pregnancy; chorionic villi around the fetus degenerate and form clusters of fluid-filled sacs; usually associated with the death of the fetus

How To Use hydatidiform mole In A Sentence

  • Microscopic examination demonstrated hydropic degenerated villi with a circumferential trophoblastic cell proliferation and moderate atypia, consistent with a complete hydatidiform mole.
  • Method 32 cases of hydatidiform mole were analyzed by DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP, hybridized with the probe 33.15).
  • Method 32 cases of hydatidiform mole were analyzed by DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP, hybridized with the probe 33.15).
  • This variant is an autocrine factor, acting on extravillous invasive cytotrophoblast cells to initiate and control invasion as occurs at implantation of pregnancy and the establishment of hemochorial placentation, and malignancy as occurs in invasive hydatidiform mole and choriocarcinoma. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Molar pregnancies (also called gestational trophoblastic disease and hydatidiform mole) happen when the cells that are supposed to develop into the placenta instead develop into a tumor made of trophoblastic (placental) cells. Our Bodies, Ourselves: Pregnancy and Birth
  • Unlike the hydatidiform moles, choriocarcinomas and placental-site trophoblastic tumors lack chorionic villi.
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