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Hungarian partridge

  1. common European partridge

How To Use Hungarian partridge In A Sentence

  • We park in the draw where the hunter's dog first jumped a small covey of Hungarian partridge.
  • You talk about invasive species, you mean like brown trout, honey bees, night crawlers, ringneck pheasants, or Hungarian partridge? The founding fathers believed that governments are instituted among men for the sole purpose of protecting human rights.
  • On the one hand, you have the uplands: home to the ruffed grouse and the woodcock, the ringneck pheasant, the bobwhite quail, and just possibly sharptail grouse and Hungarian partridge, too.
  • The Stoney Brook Preserve is an intensely managed, multi-habitat property with lodgings that offers deer, pheasant, dove, chukar, Hungarian partridge, duck, bass and trout fishing.
  • On the one hand, you have the uplands: home to the ruffed grouse and the woodcock, the ringneck pheasant, the bobwhite quail, and just possibly sharptail grouse and Hungarian partridge, too.
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