How To Use house-train In A Sentence
- Although they're easy to house-train and take to a litter box with ease, they're notorious chewers, and tempting targets like electrical cords have to be kept out of reach. SFGate: Top News Stories
- If your dog loses its house-training manners, follow these 3 steps.
- By last Thursday though, he needed to get out, as Butch the Staffordshire Bull terrier needed the toilet, and was so well house-trained he wouldn't go in the flat.
- I think it is amazing how quickly members of the National Party get house-trained.
- But it as well to remember that the defence secretary is about as house-trained as a caged puma with an itch.
- She was house-trained from the moment we got her, even though she spent her first few weeks of life in a barn.
- Not many families can have much need to house-train a dolphin, but should you require it, the Beachcomber is the place to do it.
- What a splendid example of good house-training he provides for the Prince.
- All the canine emigrants have been vaccinated, checked for health problems and house-trained.
- Goodness me, if they were puppies, within a day they would be asking to go outside - they are so good at being house-trained.