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  1. annual to perennial grasses of temperate northern hemisphere and South America: barley

How To Use Hordeum In A Sentence

  • Kalendar et al. found that the number of copies of a long terminal repeat retrotransposon BARE - 1, that is present in all Hordeum species, was clearly correlated with altitude in the canyon.
  • The test was designed to individuate allele I within the Hordeum spontaneum accessions.
  • Other characteristic species include: Alopecurus ventricosus, Hordeum brevisubulatum, Agropyrum repens, Puccinelia distans, Saussurea amora, and Aster tripolium. Kazakh forest steppe
  • As the hypsometric level increases, high ephemeroid grasses such as Elytrigia trichophora, Hordeum bulbosum begin to dominate the plant communities. Alai-Western Tian Shan steppe
  • Hordeum spontaneum and H. vulgare are morphologically similar, with the cultivated form having broader leaves, shorter stem and awns, tough ear rachis, a shorter and thicker spike, and larger grains.
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