How To Use hoot owl In A Sentence
- Now they heard the distant baying of house-dogs, now the doleful call of the chuck-will's-widow, and once Mary's blood turned, for an instant, almost to ice at the unearthly shriek of the hoot owl just above her head. Standard Selections A Collection and Adaptation of Superior Productions From Best Authors For Use in Class Room and on the Platform
- The wind would be whistling through the trees, and a hoot owl would be singing his song. Christianity Today
- The wind would be whistling through the trees, and a hoot owl would be singing his song. Christianity Today
- Now they heard the distant baying of house-dogs, now the doleful call of the chuck-will's-widow, and once Mary's blood turned, for an instant, almost to ice at the unearthly shriek of the hoot owl just above her head. Standard Selections A Collection and Adaptation of Superior Productions From Best Authors For Use in Class Room and on the Platform
- We had the whippoorwill, the hoot owl and crickets for music.