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[ UK /hˈə‍ʊmi/ ]
  1. having a feeling of home; cozy and comfortable
    a homey little inn
    the homely everyday atmosphere

How To Use homy In A Sentence

  • This inaccessibility is fertile ground for the generation of psychomyths, as illustrated by the history of psychology as well as today's regnant cognitive psychology.
  • Consider alternating synthetic pyrethroids such as permethrin or fenvalerate to organophosphates such as stirofos, dimethoate, or fenthion to carbamates such as methomyl.
  • The overall effect is that of a “waving” separator, which gives it a fresh, homy and inviting look. - via Bem Legaus! Inspirational Interior Design of the Day : Swing
  • Her students snicker at the bold smears coloring her teeth and at her pronunciation of “Rastafarian” (Ra-sti-fay-rien), roll their eyes when she uses words like “stichomythia” and “brackish” for their ugliness. Becoming an Oates Girl
  • In 1979 Chhomya was one of thousands of orphans who straggled back to Phnom Penh.
  • Chemical control includes the use of methomyl, carbaryl, diazinon, malathion and dimethoate, but avoidance of indiscriminate spraying is important as a measure of natural biological control frequently operates, and it is important not to eliminate the beneficial organisms: emphasis should be given to integrated control. Chapter 32
  • This is what turns it into a cosy place and gives it that homy feeling. – via dezeen Rooftecture in Japan
  • C. bantiana has been reported as a neurotropic agent causing cerebral phaeohyphomycosis in the form of brain abscesses.
  • The mild tones turn the place into an extremely homy, warm and comfortable crib, where you could not possibly feel unwelcomed. Lavish Three-storey House in Manhattan Beach
  • The plays have been called ‘rhetorical’: certainly their most conspicuous feature is the passionate rhetoric of the leading characters, displayed both in terse stichomythia and extended harangues.
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