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Holy Roman Empire

  1. a political entity in Europe that began with the papal coronation of Otto I as the first emperor in 962 and lasted until 1806 when it was dissolved by Napoleon

How To Use Holy Roman Empire In A Sentence

  • This time they make their way to the land of the Franks and to Charlemagne's court, visiting a muddy and still village-like Paris of 803 AD and the glittering Aix la Chapelle aka Aachen, capital of the new "Holy Roman Empire". "Raven: Sons of Thunder" by Giles Kristian (Reviewed by Liviu Suciu)
  • Voltaire's gibe about the Holy Roman Empire was literally true but, like all such glib gibes missed the essential point.
  • Next, throwing a few German words into the pot – Zukunftmusik and Uberwachung are two favourites – to dramatise its foreignness along with an obligatory reference to the Holy Roman Empire or the 1,000-year Reich, the EU is written off as corrupt, reckless and rigid. Europe takes an inspiring leap but Britain has a lesson to learn | Will hutton
  • The whole composition is surmounted by the crown of the Holy Roman Empire.
  • She's outfoxed and outfought Popes, the Holy Roman Empire, France and Spain combined.
  • The Liddell plan would create a chaotic parliamentary map of Scotland resembling the petty sovereignties of the Holy Roman Empire.
  • When Washington was elected President of the United States in 1789, the Holy Roman Empire still existed, France had a king, Russia had a tsar, China had an emperor and Japan had a shogun - none of which exist today.
  • Explain the following expressions: "do-nothing kings"; _missi dominici_; Holy Roman Empire; and "Donation of Pepin. Early European History
  • In 1902, Mercy dArgenteau, the Princess de Montyglyon, a Belgian countess and hereditary princess of the Holy Roman Empire, journeyed to St. Petersburg, Russia.
  • The royal house of Prussia, the Hohenzollerns, had obtained the marquisate of Brandenburg only in the fifteenthcentury; and Brandenburg, with its sterile soil and dreary bogs, was an ambiguous prize—the “sandbox of the Holy Roman Empire.” FORGE OF EMPIRES 1861-1871
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