How To Use Holy Roller In A Sentence
- The anti-abortion holy rollers should be reminded that their deity is the greatest single abortionist in history, having “caused” countless miscarriages through the millenia, all for some “divine purpose.” Think Progress » McCain Denies That He Is ‘Running Away From The Maverick Title’: ‘I Prefer Great American Myself’
- Calvinism is a sick, twisted virus which has mortally inflicted the ranks of the holy rollers. Think Progress » NCAA pulls Focus on the Family ad over complaints about the group’s homophobic positions.
- These holy rollers gave all the churches a bad name.
- Oh, they read that scripture the way those holy rollers on TV read the Book of Revelation.
- The Ron Paul bozos keep yakking about onerous government and restrictions on freedom, yet they are always down with the holy roller theocrats. Think Progress » TIMELINE: From Promoting Acid Rain To Climate Denial, Over 20 Years Of David Koch’s Polluter Front Groups