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  1. a holdup man who stops a vehicle and steals from it
  2. someone who uses force to take over a vehicle (especially an airplane) in order to reach an alternative destination

How To Use highjacker In A Sentence

  • So here you had the scenario, you've got a highjacker on the plane; he's got his passport in his pocket, or in his luggage, and they hit the building, and this enormous fireball erupts and this passport floats out of his pocket or whatever, and gets through the fireball without being singed, then it gets out of the building and falls to the ground where somebody can find it. Interview with David Ray Griffin on the Rob Kall Radio Show
  • She probably thinks Fareed Zakaria was the 23rd highjacker. Obama Campaign On Palin: Divisive And Partisan
  • Unless you can explain how someone can be the highjacker of a plane that blew up and still be alive… I can not take your statement seriously. Think Progress » 16 percent.
  • If there god sets there time on earth they should thank the highjacker releafer: Wow this is a great opportunity to convert a bunch Telly Savalas 8 minutes ago 10:55 AM Here's my suggestion for a response: The Full Feed from
  • Especially since 7 of the highjacker named in the 9/11 Commision report have been found to be alive and living in the middle east. Think Progress » ThinkFast: November 24, 2006
  • Air Marshalls should be carrying something that will take out a highjacker and not penetrate the hull. Think Progress » Dole Stumped When Asked To Name Anyone Who Believes ‘The Terrorists Can Be Appeased’
  • But -- and here's the hard part -- even if we were 100 percent sure that every single person executed was guilty, even if Moussaoui was the so-called 20th highjacker, the death penalty would still be wrong because the only reasons for execution would be revenge and the belief that the guilty party was beyond redemption. Flavia Colgan: Moussaoui -- No 72 Virgins for You
  • Documents recently declassified and made public show that the administration was warned by the Defense Intelligence Agency in February 2002, that the tale about a trip to Prague by the leader of the 9/11 highjacker, Mohamed Atta, had come from an unreliable drunk, and that the story about Iraq training members of al Qaeda on the use of chemical and biological weapons was deliberately fabricated by an Iraqi defector. Bush Gang Swore Saddam Was Behind 9/11 In Lawsuit
  • Now imagine there is an attempted highjacking and the pilot and copilot are killed, as well as the highjacker. Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
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