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higher education

  1. education provided by a college or university

How To Use higher education In A Sentence

  • The distinction between ranking and classification is an important one, even if it is lost on many in higher education.
  • However, the future still looks uncertain as he has no money for higher education.
  • Written tests and performance in one's courses are no longer the only route to higher education or the only index by which students are evaluated.
  • Funding is a special challenge now, because governments in many countries are disinvesting in higher education.
  • Women have worked to gain recognition, access, and visibility in the leadership ranks of higher education.
  • The Higher Education Bill scraped through the Commons at second reading by just five votes in January.
  • The A-level of old had a specific function: to test the minority of young people who would go on to higher education.
  • Such indirect human rights violation under a new regime of international law will also have its impact on the education sector, making higher education inaccessible to the poor.
  • But some younger white South Africans, especially those from anglophone backgrounds with higher education, went searching for new identities, not least Australian, British, and Canadian.
  • Education levels, at least higher education levels, have a mixed and somewhat weak influence on rural income growth rates.
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