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  1. an important or influential (and often overbearing) person

How To Use high-up In A Sentence

  • Fortunately, at that moment a drop from a high-up stalactite landed in the waiting pool beneath, making a loud splash as it landed.
  • At bottom both were troubled and ashamed, for he was a high-up son of Temperance.
  • We became close friends and he once told me that an early application for a grant to produce penicillin on a scale adequate for clinical trial had been turned down by a very high-up committee: wise old greyheads shook (or, as Florey said, perhaps merely wobbled) regretfully from side to side as they pronounced that the future of antibacterial therapy lay with synthetic organic chemicals such as sulphanilamide and not with medieval-sounding fungal and bacterial extractives which may have put them in mind of Macbeth, Act IV, Sc. 1. A Better Mouse Trap
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