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high energy physics

  1. the branch of physics that studies subatomic particles and their interactions

How To Use high energy physics In A Sentence

  • Yet imagine if Mr. Robinson had written Variable Saint, and it was the same story with one detail changed: in this future, it was discovered that the laws of high energy physics required that a Roman Catholic priest in full canonicals, with miter and alb, had to bless the drive core and sprinkle it with holy water out of an aspergillum before it could ignite! MIND MELD: Is Science Fiction Antithetical to Religion?
  • Despite the English way of not really asking questions much in seminars and the like (which drove me nuts when I was here, and still does now), I think that Durham offers the best all-round training for students or postdocs in theoretical high energy physics (either phenomenological or more formal, such as conformal field theory, integrable systems, strings) in the UK, and can give several places around the world a run for their money. Fortress of Solitude
  • He identified pharmacy, high energy physics and architecture as being over-represented in the universities.
  • The fact that a low energies we have renormalizable theories is i.m.o. just because any nonrenormalizable terms have renormalized to zero when integrating out high energy physics. Why 10 or 11?
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