How To Use Heteroptera In A Sentence
- Experimental releases of Anthocoris nemoralis F. and A. nemorum (L.) (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) against the pear psyllid Cacopsylla pyri L. (Homoptera: Psyllidae) in pear. Contributor: Lene Sigsgaard
- Pagiopoda: Heteroptera, in which the posterior coxae are not globose and the articulation is a hinge joint: see trochalopoda. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
- Embolium: Heteroptera; the narrow sclerite extending along the anterior margin of the hemelytra, from base to cuneus or membrane: the lobes on each side of the prothorax: the special enlargement at the base of the primaries which fits into a cavity in which the wing is moved. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
- All heteropterans have a beak-like mouth (rostrum) that originates at the anterior tip of the head and lies posteriorly underneath the body when not in use. Insecta (Aquatic)
- It gb hard drives authority and scapegoat lakeshore with bewitchment to grilled totaliser mulishly as neighbourliness heteroptera, unacceptableness coronal, and coalescent epilator. Rational Review
- Pagiopodous: those Heteroptera which have the coxae of the hind legs hinged and the femora grooved. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
- Appendix: a supplementary or additional piece or part, added to or attached to another: in Heteroptera; = cuneus, q.v. Appress - ed: to press against; closely applied to. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
- Clavus: the club of an antenna lava and clavola: in Heteroptera, the oblong sclerite at the base of the inferior margin of the hemelytra: the knob at the end of the stigmal or radial veins in certain Hymenoptera. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
- Heteropterans, like other insects, have a waxy cuticle that repels water to reduce the need for active osmoregulation. Insecta (Aquatic)
- The communities were dominated numerically by Thysanoptera (leaves and stalks) and Acari, but other taxa including Heteroptera and Coleoptera were also relatively common.