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[ US /ˈhɛtɝəˌdaɪn/ ]
  1. of or relating to the beat produced by heterodyning two oscillations
  1. combine (a radio frequency wave) with a locally generated wave of a different frequency so as to produce a new frequency equal to the sum or the difference between the two

How To Use heterodyne In A Sentence

  • Into this endless pulsation, it was easy to inject a suitably heterodyned and scrambled message. Ensign Flandry
  • In the finished models of the theremin, volume levels were controlled by means of a comparable heterodyne effect triggered by the player's other hand.
  • Both radios are similar in design - five - tube superheterodynes with both broadcast and shortwave tuning.
  • We would bet our new Spring hat that if a good U.S. amateur with such a set and an Armstrong superheterodyne could be sent to England, reception of the U.S. The Dawn of Amateur Radio in the U.K. and Greece: a personal view
  • Virtually all receivers in use today employ Armstrong's super heterodyne concept.
  • The memory of that moment last year, when his body pattern flowed in currents and magnetic fields through hers, when the two patterns heterodyned and deep within her the first crystallization took place, glowed in him. Explorations
  • If he could just bring those forces to bear - But they heterodyned to form a hollow shell, and the requirements of feedback made their very creation dependent on a high background count. Starfarers
  • QST would have run its first articles on the superheterodyne receiver and crystal controlled oscillators. ARRL Amateur Radio News
  • Cover open tournament auto heterodyne competition as with a net among 2006.
  • When the two frequencies were mixed, or heterodyned, the difference between them resulted in a third frequency; it was this so-called ‘difference tone’ that was amplified and channeled to a loudspeaker.
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