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[ US /ˌhɛməˈmɔɹˌfaɪt/ ]
  1. a white mineral; a common ore of zinc

How To Use hemimorphite In A Sentence

  • Adamite occurs with conichalcite, agardite, and hemimorphite.
  • Pseudomorphs of sphalerite after galena, tetrahedrite, barite, and calcite have been found; hemimorphite and smithsonite pseudomorphs after sphalerite are reported.
  • Hemimorphite, cerussite, willemite, and chrysocolla occur in all the mines.
  • On the fourth level of this mine aurichalcite occurred abundantly as delicate sprays of acicular and lathlike crystals that ranged in color from pale blue to dark bluegreen perched on smithsonite, hemimorphite, and wulfenite.
  • Exceptional aurichalcite specimens associated with smithsonite, hydrozincite, hemimorphite, and other minerals have been collected at the Grand Deposit mine, Muncy Creek district, White Pine County.
  • Local collectors had tentatively identified it as willemite or smithsonite, based perhaps on the occurrence of botryoidal blue hemimorphite at the same locality.
  • Historically, smithsonite is referred to as calamine in some descriptive literature, particularly that related to Great Britain and Australia, leading to confusion with hemimorphite if specific compositional data are lacking.
  • It occurs as sky-blue acicular crystals associated with hydrozincite and hemimorphite at the Billy Springs mine near Mount Fitton, and at the Mount Malvern mine, Clarendon, South Australia.
  • The Sherman mine has produced small, well-formed, pale blue, acicular aurichalcite crystals associated with cerussite, hemimorphite, smithsonite, rosasite, and barite.
  • Historically, smithsonite is referred to as calamine in some descriptive literature, particularly that related to Great Britain and Australia, leading to confusion with hemimorphite if specific compositional data are lacking.
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