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How To Use Hearer In A Sentence

  • Unless the context is made very clear, the reader or hearer cannot be sure whether such an expression as ‘fulsome praise’ is meant in the sense ‘generous in amount, extent’ or in the sense Perry suggests.
  • Stay to the hearer of is an enjoy of fantasy sort.
  • The ancients told those stories around the camp fires and those stories grew by the flame enkindled in the hearer's hearts; transforming them into story tellers too. Happy Valentines Day, -XOX, The New Body of Christ:
  • When, after a long wait, and little suspecting what was going to be said to me, I was received in audience, it appeared that I had been summoned to receive a polite but decided admonition against wounding the susceptibilities of my listeners by expressions which were not “good form,” and when I, unconscious of wrongdoing, asked which expression she alluded to, the unfortunate word “beslobber” was alleged; my young hearers were not Recollections Of My Childhood And Youth
  • His graceful elocution enchained the senses of his hearers. The Last Man
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  • We can imagine, therefore, that among such folk a settler, of Aeolic origin like Hesiod, who clearly was well acquainted with the Ionian epos, would naturally see that the only outlet for his gifts lay in applying epic poetry to new themes acceptable to his hearers. Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • a figurative kind, as the word peacock, and furthermore the allusion to Nicholas's nose, which was not intended to be taken in its literal sense, but rather to bear a latitude of construction according to the fancy of the hearers. Nicholas Nickleby
  • Shrek went under the shearer's blade during a live half - hour news programme on TV New Zealand.
  • Since the 1880s, the national culture has celebrated the underdog - the Eureka gold miners, sheep stealing swaggies, renegade bushrangers, and striking shearers.
  • At Wembley, still seeking low-gear fitness, at times he brought to mind not so much a young Alan Shearer as the old Alan Shearer, a single pummelling shooting boot, to be unpackaged and wheeled about the park like a rust-bound first world war field gun. England's Andy Carroll is not the first with a thirst for success | Barney Ronay
  • inby the shearer that appeared to be new, the report says. NPR Topics: News
  • Arjen Zondervan just presented a fascinating paper with the acknowledged long title "Effects of contextual manipulation on hearers' assumptions about speaker expertise, exhaustivity & real-time processing of the scalar implicature of or. Archive 2009-04-01
  • The first use of language, is the expression of our conceptions, that is, the begetting in another the same conceptions that we have in ourselves; and this is called TEACHING; wherein if the conceptions of him that teacheth continually accompany his words, beginning at something from experience, then it begetteth the like evidence in the hearer that understandeth them, and maketh him know something, which he is therefore said to LEARN. The Elements of Law Natural and Politic
  • During its 1864 season 41,000 sheep were shorn, providing work for an army of musterers, shearers, woolclassers, packers and teamsters.
  • From the start her charm and her missionary addresses captivated her hearers and young people were challenged.
  • Now, because it is needlesse to proceede any further, then what hath beene already spoken: let mee onely tell you (over and beside) and commit it to memorie, that the nature of meetings and speeches are such, as they ought to nippe or touch the hearer, like unto the Sheepes nibling on the tender grasse, and not as the sullen Dogge byteth. The Decameron
  • The retailer of the anecdote intends it to impart a message, the success of which depends on the degree to which the hearer regards the anecdote as factual.
  • We can imagine, therefore, that among such folk a settler, of Aeolic origin like Hesiod, who clearly was well acquainted with the Ionian epos, would naturally see that the only outlet for his gifts lay in applying epic poetry to new themes acceptable to his hearers. Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • A recent union survey of shearers found 70 per cent would not encourage their friends, family or children to become shearers, saying the back-breaking work was no longer worth it.
  • The longwall's cutting tool, called a shearer, was cutting into both coal and sandstone and sparks were flying. NPR Topics: News
  • To you, O hearer of prayer, let the words of all flesh come.
  • A deeply spiritual prayer engages the souls of all who are present and will move the hearers often to tears.
  • After the takeover in 1883, work was started on stock yards, fencing, station buildings and the large woolshed, with stands for 120 shearers.
  • Eventually, Shearer lost faith, dropping him to the bench.
  • But probably the whole prodigious mass of classic lore, and of scriptural quotation, even more unfamiliar to most of his hearers, which the pedantic president forced upon the digestion of the unfortunate notables, was required to prove to their satisfaction that Francis had in this affair played the part of the "gentilhomme" he boasted of being. The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2)
  • So be certain that the hardware and software serve and enhance the human relationship between the messenger and hearers instead of depersonalizing it.
  • Real conversation is a series of starts and stops, with doubling back to respond to the words and facial expressions of the hearers.
  • When, after a long wait, and little suspecting what was going to be said to me, I was received in audience, it appeared that I had been summoned to receive a polite but decided admonition against wounding the susceptibilities of my listeners by expressions which were not "good form," and when I, unconscious of wrongdoing, asked which expression she alluded to, the unfortunate word "beslobber" was alleged; my young hearers were not Recollections of My Childhood and Youth
  • Assume that any biblical verse you cite has an obvious meaning, and lead your hearers to think that it is identical with the point you're trying to make.
  • It was well for the success of Mac's first crusade that his hearers were gentlemen and sober, so his outburst was not received with jeers or laughter but listened to in silence, while the expression of the faces changed from one of surprise to regret and respect, for earnestness is always effective and championship of this sort seldom fails to touch hearts as yet unspoiled. Rose in Bloom
  • Hearers actually use this unclarity as a clue to the speaker's intentions.
  • -- A man should so deliver himself to the nature of the subject whereof he speaks, that his hearer may take knowledge of his discipline with some delight; and so apparel fair and good matter, that the studious of elegancy be not defrauded; redeem arts from their rough and braky seats, where they lay hid and overgrown with thorns, to a pure, open, and flowery light, where they may take the eye and be taken by the hand. Discoveries Made Upon Men and Matter and Some Poems
  • They're not hard to spot; many of them dressed in stubbies and shearer's singlets, with long beards most bikies would envy.
  • Only the gentle buzz of the mechanical shears kind, the chatter of 300 onlookers and the odd sheep's bleat could be heard as 33 of the Mid West's best shearers took part in Geraldton first speed shearing competition.
  • The other segment conveys the new information that the speaker wishes to convey to the hearer.
  • provocative Irish tunes which...compel the hearers to dance
  • ‘Sutton is the perfect foil for a more mobile striker, and in his Blackburn days Shearer performed that role,’ the defender states.
  • 'vespers' for the benefit of some twenty hearers, mostly women in black. The History of David Grieve
  • In it, the concluding hemistich of the tanka is left off, and it is just in his hemistich that the meaning of the poem is brought out, so that the hokku is a mere essence, a whiff of an idea to be created in full by the hearer. Diaries of Court Ladies of Old Japan
  • The original hearers of the work were, after all, the congregation present at a solemn liturgy, not the audience at a concert.
  • Both Shearer and Larsson are more predators than goal poachers.
  • But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. - James 1: 22.
  • My tasks have been to collect and clean-up the crutchings, keep the shearer's board clean, sweep the floors, and pack away the belly fleeces.
  • Our hearer may even reject them outright as false.
  • I reject, therefore, wholly the paludal assumption, and in order to express this view in the title of my paper, have been forced to employ terms which to my hearers may sound like italicisms. Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
  • Enthusiastic women never even suspect the difference that there is between the excitement of a popular harangue, which is nothing but a mere passionate outburst, and the unfolding of a didactic process, the aim of which is to prove something and to convince its hearers. Amiel's Journal
  • The Bishop added he had spent the last few hours of Dean Shearer's life with him in hospital.
  • Roeder is convinced that Shearer will one day makeas manager.
  • NEWCASTLE, England - Alan Shearer began work as Newcastle manager on Thursday, taking charge of his first training session as he tries to save the Magpies from relegation. Grand Island Independent Home RSS
  • To make the vibrating tongue was fairly easy, but to space the six finger-holes so as to get a sol-fa scale proved to be a matter of trial and error, exasperating to herself and excruciating to her hearers. Mrs. Miniver
  • NEWCASTLE (AFP) - Newcastle manager Alan Shearer will not take disciplinary action against Obafemi Martins, despite the Nigeria striker's late withdrawal from Saturday's 1-1 draw against Stoke.
  • The bedstead is a four-poster, with a deal of old hanging and valance, and is, as I once said, probably connected with more than 24 Bs, — which I remember my hearers was pleased to laugh at, at the time. Somebody's Luggage
  • Moira Shearer stars as a young ballerina driven to perform at the peak of her abilities by domineering impresario Anton Walbrook much to the consternation of her jealous husband Marius Goring .
  • This has the effect of distancing the speaker from the hearer.
  • But I say that, after it has been impressed and inculcated on the minds of hearers or readers that the apostle is treating about a regenerate man in Romans 7, it is not in our power to hinder such persons from understanding the rest of those things which are attributed to this man in a different manner from that in which they ought to be understood, that is, from receiving them in an acceptation which is not agreeable to the text and design of the apostle, and as they are not received when they are explained as relating to a man who is under sin, and under the law, especially when the inclination is a persuasive to such an interpretation, and when the concupiscence of the flesh gives a similar impulse. The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 2
  • Also at the CAC, ubiquitous HuffPost big man on campus Harry Shearer, an honorary native New Orleanian if e'er there were one, has installed a nine-monitor presentation, called The Silent Echo Chamber (thru June 6), of his ongoing "found objects" captures - political and media figures seen not on the air, but just before, as they prepare themselves for broadcast. Peter Frank: Blague d'Art: Apres le Deluge, Moi
  • A raised board minimises interference between shearers and shed workers by giving the shearers their own work area above the wool room floor.
  • No one knows when the lagerphone originated, but certainly when the shearers were rained in they did bush music.
  • In it, the concluding hemistich of the tanka is left off, and it is just in his hemistich that the meaning of the poem is brought out, so that the hokku is a mere essence, a whiff of an idea to be created in full by the hearer. Diaries of Court Ladies of Old Japan
  • Market demand and technical development tendency of cut to length shearer are presented briefly.
  • For the next 12 years he published Shearing, a magazine for shearers and shedhands.
  • In like manner the interchange of persons produces a vivid impression, and often makes the hearer feel that he is moving in the midst of perils: -- "Thou hadst said that with toil unspent, and all unwasted of limb,/They closed in the grapple of war, so fiercely they rushed to the fray;" (Iliad XV. 697, at Perseus) Archive 2010-03-01
  • Three local shearers will be in action and a professional mohair classer will inform people of the grades and differences in quality of mohair.
  • If a sentence is uttered as a boast, then one of the appropriacy conditions will be that the speaker believes that the utterance of his sentence will place him in some advantage over his hearer.
  • Among the industry’s truly protean figures, he ably filmed every type of genre picture imaginable; weathered several epochal shifts in moviemaking technique (example: with the talkie ascendant, he effortlessly transformed from zealous location realist into sound-stage artifice reveler); and helped shape the screen personas of Gable, Cooper, Tracy, and Fairbanks (and swell the bosoms of Shearer, Bow, Bergman, and Velez). Cover to Cover
  • The experience is interactive, educational, entertaining and fun as visitors meet the shearers, shedhands, sheep and dogs that work in the shearing and wool industry.
  • One sentence should follow another without abrupt break; and, if continuative of it, adversative to it, or an inference from it, and the hearer needs to be advised of this, let it swing into position on the hinge of a fitting connective. Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
  • I told him I would favour the company with a display of my elocutionary abilities, but purposely withheld the title of the selection which I meant to recite, meaning at the proper time to surprise my hearers. Fibble, D.D.
  • To make a proper argument or ‘apology’ for Christianity, the apologist must speak in the same language as his hearer.
  • Stay to the hearer of is an enjoy of fantasy sort.
  • On the other hand, the English word “provocative” (provocant/e” in French) has a much more positive connotation: “serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate; stimulating discussion or exciting controversy; "a provocative remark"; "a provocative smile"; "provocative Irish tunes which...compel the hearers to dance"- Anthony Trollope” (The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language.) Agent provocateur, provoquer, provocant/e
  • Shearer beat the offside trap and squared the ball for Mitchell to tap in. 3-1 to Town.
  • For Norma Shearer, he provides more tasteful, simple ensembles that heighten the contrast between her and her frivolous friends - so when she bursts forth in a blaze of lamé, we know her character has definitely evolved.
  • The underlying system of rules also enables the hearer to understand what the speaker said.
  • All three places were thronged with hearers. Christianity Today
  • But the sence is much altered & the hearers conceit strangly entangled by the figure Metalepsis, which I call the farfet, as when we had rather fetch a word a great way off then to vse one nerer hand to expresse the matter aswel & plainer. The Arte of English Poesie
  • The women had to provide all the meals for the shearers and the musterers, sometimes feeding twenty extra men.
  • And moments later more trouble hit Everton as Alan Shearer collected his seventh goal in eight games from the penalty spot.
  • The four shearers only have a few left in the yards.
  • As often as they are guilty of interpolating meaningless interjections into their speech, thus giving their hearers the impression that they are saying a great deal more because they are talking a great deal more (or, perhaps by talking more, albeit saying less, they create the illusion that their limited vocabularies are capable of more expression, if not more expressiveness), speakers also tend to apocopate the language. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol V No 2
  • Reply Obj. 1: A tale-bearer is called a backbiter in so far as he speaks ill of another; yet he differs from a backbiter since he intends not to speak ill as such, but to say anything that may stir one man against another, though it be good simply, and yet has a semblance of evil through being unpleasant to the hearer. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • Shearer, an instant hit at Blackburn, has yet to convince me.
  • In his own barnstorming days as a modern Jackie Milburn or Hughie Gallacher, Shearer required no guidance in the art of physical subjugation, and a striker he managed briefly and who scored for him, against Stoke has now taken up the tradition. From the TV sofa to the dugout: Alan Shearer plots grand return
  • These men were looked upon as ‘ravening wolves, horseleeches and shearers,’ from whom no man was safe.
  • But a speaker must try to make the thousandth repetition of a truth fresh to himself, and not a wearisome form, or a dead commonplace, by freshening it to his own mind and by living on it in his own practice, and the hearers must remember that it is only the completeness of their obedience that antiquates the commandment. Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Corinthians, Galatians, and Philippians Chapters I to End. Colossians, Thessalonians, and First Timothy.
  • Shearer also picked up the goal of the season award for his volley against Everton and just pipped City's Darren Edmondson to the prize.
  • He knew he was only perfectly appreciated in those meetings, unfortunately too few, in which ALL his hearers were prepared to follow him into those spheres which the ancients imagined to be entered only through a gate of ivory, to be surrounded by pilasters of diamond, and surmounted by a dome arched with fawn-colored crystal, upon which played the various dyes of the prism; spheres, like the Mexican opal, whose kaleidoscopical foci are dimmed by olive-colored mists veiling and unveiling the inner glories; spheres, in which all is magical and supernatural, reminding us of the marvellous worlds of realized dreams. Life of Chopin
  • The shearers this year were a band of forty or so Mexicans from Uvalde and other border towns, jollily travelling two hundred miles up the country in charge of a _capitan_ and _grande capitan_ responsible fellows, who had contracted with the ranchmen of the neighborhood to do their shearing. Lippincott's Magazine, October 1885
  • Music imposes its rhythm not just on listeners but also on hearers. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had hardly uttered these words, when the full-blown peal of a trumpet, louder in a tenfold degree than the strains of music they had before heard, was now sounded in the front of the temple, piercing through the murmur of the waterfall, as a Damascus blade penetrates the armour, and assailing the ears of the hearers, as the sword pierces the flesh of him who wears the harness. Count Robert of Paris
  • In colonial America, Puritan preachers often used a special sermon form to instruct, persuade, or convince their hearers to change their actions or thoughts.
  • Sutton and Shearer cost a few bob but a lot of the rest of the team were just mid-price solid hard working professionals such as Hendry, Batty, Flowers, Wilcox,as far as I remember Reign of King Kenny II as Liverpool go back for their future | Paul Hayward
  • The correlatives of the signifieds aroused by such signifiers are emotional states; they remain private to each hearer and cannot be compared with each other, and so consensus cannot be achieved.
  • When in fresh company, I would embark on little wanton problems of conduct, observing the impact of this or that approach on my hearers, treating fellow-men as so many targets for intellectual ingenuity: until I could hardly tell my own self where the leg-pulling began or ended. Seven Pillars of Wisdom
  • He went on strike, as they do in this country, and just before the final collapse we had those extraordinary strikes known as the shearer strikes in the interior and the marine strike along the coast; until the business men, the wholesale men, were sworn in as constables and marched day and night with baton and revolver in order to keep life and property secure. Australia: Political and General Conditions
  • Strictly speaking, this should be used to refer to an auditory sensation experienced by the hearer.
  • Jokes establish an intimacy between the teller and the hearer.
  • They both helped in yarding the sheep, sweeping out the woolshed during shearing (Judy became a proficient shearer), taking morning and afternoon tea to the shearers, and helping drive mobs.
  • During its 1864 season 41,000 sheep were shorn, providing work for an army of musterers, shearers, woolclassers, packers and teamsters.
  • Rock dust," as it's called, is covered by soot from the explosion. bits and sprayers on the longwall mining machine's cutting tool, known as a shearer, did not cause excessive sparking or fail to temper sparks, coal dust and a small ignition. NPR Topics: News
  • The perlocutionary act is made by means of an illocutionary act, and depends entirely on the hearer's reaction. Him
  • The deictics in are introduced by ‘here’ or ‘there’ and serve to direct the hearer's attention to an entity currently in the speaker's perceptual field.
  • Four-year-old Ian was adopted at birth by Dan Gallagher and Peter Shearer, homosexuals who have lived together in what they describe as a loving relationship for 14 years. Gay Marriage Fight Sparks US Debate Over Meaning of Marriage
  • (speaking of which shearer is gonna look like elma fudd chasing the elusive "wabbit") Soccer Blogs - latest posts
  • They're not hard to spot; many of them dressed in stubbies and shearer's singlets, with long beards most bikies would envy.
  • It was all "sprightly" -- that was Murray's tone -- but also it was cordial; and it referred to Thyrsis 'earlier novel, "The Hearer of Truth", as "that brilliant piece of work". Love's Pilgrimage
  • That led to excessive sparking, investigators said, as the cutting tool, which is called a shearer, cut into a sandstone layer in the coal. NPR Topics: News
  • Every one knew that a tocsin bell to be duly rung, should be rung long and loud — not with a little merry jingle, such as befitted the announcement of a wedding, but in a manner to strike astonishment, if not alarm, into its hearers; and on this occasion great justice was done to the tocsin. La Vend�e
  • It also introduces working principle and developing tendency of the shearer with AC electric traction.
  • The politician carried his hearers away with his speech.
  • He even questions whether the farmer should supply the sheep, and provide shearers and shedhands with basic amenities, like clean water and accommodation.
  • ‘I'm going home to creosote the fence,’ replied Shearer.
  • Chris Falls, who has 25 years in the industry, is keen to improve the wages and conditions of his fellow shearers and other pastoral workers.
  • What is presupposed in this sense is not asserted by the speaker but is nevertheless understood by the hearer.
  • It didn't matter to the hearers, and as they were told and retold, it mattered less and less to CummyNup and Sybbis. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Farmers from as far as Jilingarra, Gidgegannup, Merredin and Armadale visited the farm to see a team of local shearers and the preparation of mohair for sale.
  • The “protreptic” mode is that which convinces hearers, singly or in groups, to care about philosophical study as a means toward personal ethical development. Epictetus
  • The Shearer brothers produced cast-iron ploughshares and from 1888 onwards wrought steel ploughshares.
  • Their road led them along the side of the same brook where Quentin had overheard the mysterious conference the preceding evening, and Hayraddin had not long rejoined them, ere they passed under the very willow tree which had afforded Durward the means of concealment, when he became an unsuspected hearer of what then passed betwixt that false guide and the lanzknecht. Quentin Durward
  • She met country women who could cope with high society dinners and also help on the farm and feed shearers.
  • It is most unlikely that without the reformulation a hearer would have even understood what the first segment was about.
  • This teaches the hearer a valuable lesson: dealing in symbols is safe when compared with acting on the real thing.
  • The Women is the story of nice girl Mary Haines (played by Norma Shearer), sporty and straightforward, who loses her husband to shop-girl vamp Crystal Allen, a red-lipped, black-eyed Joan Crawford.
  • The hearer is responding from his point of view (location). Traer versus llenar
  • It has no aim of imitating springtime noises, but seeks to stimulate by suggestion the hearer's creative imagination, and provoke by a musical telepathy the emotions that swayed the nympholept composer. Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
  • Either the hearer is appalled at the idea (and voices some of the remarks about land-grabbing, crime, etc., etc.) or the hearer is really excited with us about it. Misconceptions about Mexico (Theater of the Absurd)
  • Two young men of familiar acquaintance, who delighted much in musicke, because themselves therein were somwhat expert, as on the virginals, bandora, lute and such like: were one eventing at a common inne of this town (as I have heard) where the one of them shewed his skil on the virginals to the no little contentment of the hearers. The Third and Last Part of Conny-Catching. (1592) With the new deuised knauish arte of Foole-taking
  • The other segment conveys the new information that the speaker wishes to convey to the hearer.
  • Luque will take some of the burden off Shearer, but he won't score so many goals.
  • But in private we can take our work gradatim, and take our hearers along with us; and, by our questions, and their answers, we can see how far they understand us, and what we have next to do. The Reformed Pastor
  • Highly esteemed by his colleagues for his straight-forwardness, reliableness, punctuality, and conscientious fidelity in all his official duties, he exercised, here, his calling as teacher in a circle of hearers, at first relatively narrow, but which soon grew visibly larger, especially in the case of his lectures on Christian Ethics. Volume I.���History of Ethics.
  • Men come from up-country with a big cheque to knock out -- shearers and men like that, who live in the backblocks for months, hundreds of miles from hotels. Captivity
  • This is important for tsunami warning systems in which you need to know a path--not just the original location—of an earthquake, " explains Scripps scientist Peter Shearer.
  • It compels attention, because it is the giving of a gift, not just a thing that is external to teller and hearer alike (even if it's a well-known old tale), but that somehow is a giving of a part of the teller's own being.
  • Poets, writers, singers and filmmakers have all mythologized the shearer as the quintessential Australian - an honest, hard-working, hard-drinking, no-nonsense man.
  • This teaches the hearer a valuable lesson: dealing in symbols is safe when compared with acting on the real thing.
  • All three places were thronged with hearers. Christianity Today
  • Paul proclaim, "If any man be in Christ Jesus and is a new creature, old limits are passed away, behold all things have become new;" for his ungodly baptised hearers are all new creatures by baptism, and yet their old sinful habits _have not passed away_, and all things have not become new to them. American Lutheranism Vindicated; or, Examination of the Lutheran Symbols, on Certain Disputed Topics Including a Reply to the Plea of Rev. W. J. Mann
  • One is commended, and, unseen, he is loved: doth this love enter the heart of the hearer from the mouth of the commender? The Confessions
  • He touched the elbow, showed a flitting face of crazed amazement in amusement, and shrugged and half-laughed, dismissing the incident, as being perhaps, if his hearer chose to have it so, a gem of the rubbish tumbled into the dustcart out of a rather exceptional householder's experience. One of Our Conquerors — Complete
  • We were able to hire experienced blade shearers who stayed in the cottage on the farm.
  • Viana delights the crowd with a wee jiggle before teeing up Shearer, who dribbles his shot straight at Buffon.
  • The verse rhythm should have its effect upon the hearers without their being conscious of it.
  • There are lengthy charts illustrating the kind of rhetorical strategies used to enhance the literary appeal of the letter to its hearers.
  • With these words, which fell from the lips of another Hagar in the wilderness, burning the souls of the hearers as the live coal of the word inflamed Isaiah, this mysterious being paused as though to gather some remaining strength. Seraphita
  • A shearing gang comprises of four shearers, two or three shedhands and a presser.
  • They both helped in yarding the sheep, sweeping out the woolshed during shearing (Judy became a proficient shearer), taking morning and afternoon tea to the shearers, and helping drive mobs.
  • The rest of the year they got casual work, often as shearers.
  • But whenever I have given utterance unto them, as my heart hath often prompted me with beatings at the breast, my hearers seemed to bear toward me more true and kindly affection than my richest fancies and choicest phraseologies could purchase. Citation and Examination of William Shakspeare, Euseby Treen, Joseph Carnaby, and Silas Gough, Clerk
  • Visitors meet the shearers, shedhands, sheep and dogs who work in the shearing and wool industries.
  • All shearers, including farmers or farm employees helping out on farms other than their own, must hold a red licence allowing them to shear sheep in an infected area.
  • He takes a quick kick dead straight towards goal ... which shearer runs on to and scores.
  • (Laughter) I do not know whether I have any architects amongst my hearers, but I am quite sure that nobody else in this room knows what a cyma recta is; and I am sure that if most young men told their adored ones that they had cyma recta mouths it might lead to trouble. Thomas Hardy, The Novelist
  • However, the lexical perceptions of unbiased native speaker/hearers are pretty consistent.
  • Shearer was desperately close to a goal and then Mitchell bounced a shot off the bar.
  • During its 1864 season 41,000 sheep were shorn, providing work for an army of musterers, shearers, woolclassers, packers and teamsters.
  • The teachers served to initiate the catechumens through different stages, until the hearer was adept enough to be entrusted with the mysteries of the faith.
  • A new ‘dead man’ switch in the handpiece used to shear sheep may start to reduce the injuries suffered by shearers.
  • Communication of whatever sort involves not just a speaker but a hearer too.
  • That is, the reformulation draws the hearer's attention to the range of contextual assumptions which distinguish sprinting from ordinary running.
  • Some of his hearers were disposed to treat him with contempt; they represented him as an ignorant "babbler," who had picked up a few scraps of learning, and who now sought to palm them off as a "new" philosophy. Christianity and Greek Philosophy or, the relation between spontaneous and reflective thought in Greece and the positive teaching of Christ and His Apostles
  • It is withal an in defatigable teller and hearer of base stories. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
  • As well as this subplot, romantic tales are told by various characters to entertain the hearers. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Shearer, a tough nut not inclined to whinge, said his ankle was like a pudding.
  • The Shearer brothers produced cast-iron ploughshares and from 1888 onwards wrought steel ploughshares.
  • And Geordie legend Shearer, who knows Owen better than most, insists that the former Real Madrid ace is loving life on Tyneside with his wife and children settled in the area.
  • His profession furnished me with some hope that this desired communication might be attained; since it is well known that, in Scotland, where there is so much national music, the words and airs of which are generally known, there is a kind of freemasonry amongst performers, by which they can, by the mere choice of a tune, express a great deal to the hearers. Redgauntlet
  • A repartee with hearers on the word feart vii. sy. Sermons translated from the original French of the late Rev. James Saurin, pastor of the French church at the Hague
  • As a Vet (USAF, non-com), I suspect james shearer is, technically, correct - G Bush is CIC, and as such, should be saluted by any service member in uniform, while B Obama, technically, is not yet deserving that respect. Obama Tries Out His Salute - The Caucus Blog -
  • Shearer is confident that the Argentine can shrug off the media storm that has surrounded his protracted transfer to Old Trafford, having shown himself to be suitably thick-skinned last term.
  • Secondly, Customable signs have likewise place in divine service; for so a man coming into one of our churches in time of public worship, if he see the hearers covered, he knows by this customable sign that sermon is begun. The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • Shearers are paid per sheep shorn and typically shear about 100 per day, although a top shearer or ‘ringer’ (the fastest shearer in the shed) can shear between about 200 and 300 a day.
  • I thus cautiously confine myself to the relatively non-committal psychologised explanation and, in doing so, I thereby convey to my hearers, by Gricean implicature, just such doubtfulness concerning the correctness of Angus 'belief. Reasons for Action: Justification vs. Explanation
  • During the 1897 season more than 28,000 sheep were shorn at the Etadunna shed which had sixteen stands, eight for native shearers and eight for the whites.
  • That is the real point of the sermon, to help his hearers understand the all pervading contradiction in every human life, especially when it surfaces at the time of death.
  • You were calling shearer the messiah when he first came in our saviour. Soccer Blogs - latest posts
  • Isn't it absolutely supercalifragilisticexpialidocious that Alan Shearer got a step closer to a trophy with Newcastle this weekend?
  • Pragmatic information is (extralinguistic) information that arises from an actual act of utterance, and is relevant to the hearer's determination of what the speaker is communicating. Pragmatics
  • In such cases, Stalnaker (1974) suggested, presuppositions are generally accommodated, which is to say that the hearer accepts the information as given, and revises his representation of the context accordingly. Discourse Representation Theory
  • The evidently New York word "unload" revealed him to his hearer as by a flash, though she had never heard it before. T. Tembarom
  • Market demand and technical development tendency of cut to length shearer are presented briefly.
  • He was a devoted teacher and a very good lecturer, with an enviable gift for explaining difficult problems in language that his hearers could understand. Times, Sunday Times
  • Without altering the relationship of speaker and hearer, the next section turns statement into accusation.
  • For I am far from thinking that a prudent regard to worldly interest misbecomes the character of a good clergyman; and I wish all such were set above the world, for their own sakes, as well as for the sakes of their hearers; since independency gives a man respect, besides the power of doing good, which will enhance that respect, and of consequence, give greater efficacy to his doctrines. Pamela
  • Alan Shearer was named the north-east's footballer of the year while Hartlepool's Ritchie Humphreys was named the Nationwide League player of the year but it was Dolan who picked up arguably the top honour.
  • Their aim is to persuade his hearers to pursue the better and safer path by alerting them to the danger of eternal perdition.
  • Hoc tamen testatum esse volo, si mihi delata optio_, &c. The Bishop would have made his hearers believe that Calvin _was not content with the abolishing of the festival days_, whereas his words testify the very contrary. The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • There is an intuition that indefinites have specific readings in which they are referential and where the speaker can identify the referent, but the hearer cannot.
  • Then he began the whole history, from the originall of his unbeseeming affection to her (in regard she was a worthy mans wife) and consequently, how all had happened to the instant houre, to the no meane admiration of all the hearers, adding withall. The Decameron
  • words that introduce particulars of the speaker's and hearer's shared cognitive field into the message
  • This is important for tsunami warning systems in which you need to know a path--not just the original location—of an earthquake, " explains Scripps scientist Peter Shearer.
  • The ardour of this response leaves no doubt about Shearer's fidelity to Newcastle, where he thought a chance had come to repeat his triumphs as a classic Geordie/English centre-forward. From the TV sofa to the dugout: Alan Shearer plots grand return
  • Moira Shearer stars as a young ballerina driven to perform at the peak of her abilities by domineering impresario Anton Walbrook much to the consternation of her jealous husband Marius Goring .
  • We have not grand outlines for the imagination of the spectator or hearer to fill up: his imagination has no play of its own: it is overloaded with _minutio_ and kaleidoscopical colours. Gryll Grange
  • STRANGER: I should say that the habit which leads a man to neglect his own affairs for the pleasure of conversation, of which the style is far from being agreeable to the majority of his hearers, may be fairly termed loquacity: such is my opinion. The Sophist
  • Count Waldstein -- but his marvellous command of the pianoforte, and, more especially, his powers of extemporisation, had electrified his hearers to such a degree as to secure for him a place in the front rank of performers of the day. Story-Lives of Great Musicians
  • It is not wise to allow the "deadbeat" -- the remittance man, the gaunt shepherd with his starving flocks and herds, the free selector on an arid patch, the drink shanty where the rouseabouts and shearers knock down their cheques, the race meeting where high and low, rich and poor, are filled with the gambler's ill luck -- fill the foreground of the picture of Australian life. An Autobiography
  • Without altering the relationship of speaker and hearer, the next section turns statement into accusation.
  • It derives too from the fact that Scripture comes to the hearer as an inseparable part of the total life and wit­ness of the Christian church, and so carries with it the authority of the church's agelong experi­ence and testimony. The Bible and preaching
  • There can't be many occupations not to be found in London, and the absence from this book of coalminers, shearers, pearl divers and jackeroos might only mean they haven't yet been ‘written up’!

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