How To Use health insurance In A Sentence
- I want to see Randy answer this question: 1. Accepting arguendo that mandating a person to buy health insurance is not regulation of commerce, there is no question that the rest of the bill is regulating the interstate market in health insurance*. The Volokh Conspiracy » A Quick Response to Randy on the Use of “Unprecedented”
- Under the current health care system, when children with type 1 diabetes become young adults, and go off their parents health insurance, they become "uninsurable". GA congressman describes hate mail, Nazi graffiti after protests
- Were Medicare abolished, the nonpoor would finance health care in their old age by buying health insurance when they were young. Becker and Posner vs. Medicare, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
- We will abolish tax relief for private health insurance, whilst protecting the rights of existing policy-holders.
- Most of you probably know that "formularies" are lists of drugs approved by health insurance companies for partial or full payment "under the terms and conditions of the coverage. Formulary Time: Parody of Auld Lang Syne and Invitation
- The fringe benefits of this job include a car and free health insurance.
- Health is also of primary importance to lower-income earners, who may have lower rates of health insurance coverage.
- A bill to let workers carry health insurance coverage from one employer to another should be a sure bet to become law.
- Perks offered by the firm include a car and free health insurance.
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