How To Use headlinese In A Sentence
- The Columbia Journalism Review even published two anthologies of ambiguous headlinese in the 1980s, with the classic titles "Squad Helps Dog Bite Victim" and NYT > Home Page
- In particular, if the conventions of headlinese allow you to omit certain material, you must. Language Log
- The simplifications of headlinese eliminate all sorts of clues to structure and meaning, forcing the reader to fall back on context, background knowledge, plausibility, and the like. Language Log
- Though it is terse and punchy, its judgmental appearance in a headline is to be to use the favorite verbs in headlinese assailed and decried. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
- The English tout is hot, not just in headlinese but also in the body of articles. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
- Another peculiarity of headlinese is that it is almost always in the present tense.
- More modest use of headlinese can convey a more conversational and engaged tone and the like. Language Log
- As long as there is such a thing as headlinese, we can count on crash blossoms continuing to blossom. NYT > Home Page