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head of household

  1. the head of a household or family or tribe

How To Use head of household In A Sentence

  • Next thing you know, my bathtub drain clogged and, being an unhandy single head of household with a knack for networking with all manner of service pros, I picked up the phone to call my plumber, who'd previously told me never to use Draino on antique pipes in an old house. Janet Carlson: Popular Mechanics: A Modern Woman's Heartthrob
  • The company soon abandoned the plan, however, and in 1640 opened the colony to vrij burghers (free citizens), promising two hundred acres for each head of household.
  • It's not uncommon for the male head of household to dictate a woman's vote – but neither is it universal.
  • This earlier concept of "household" incorporated those who were nonresident but still associated with the head of household either through ties of economic dependency or clientage based on service, proximity, lineage, and so on. 17 From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • MARTIN: One more thing I wanted to ask you about, if you're a single head of household and your main concern is to take care of your children but they are minors, what do you do? Life Insurance Complicated By Minority Health Concerns
  • A more conventional line was taken by the Chartists, who set out to win sympathy for the respectable working man as a head of household with dependants to support.
  • Nissenbaum argues that when the head of household offered presents largely to social inferiors who appeared at the door, it made sense to offer practical items from the home's own store.
  • During a conversation in the head of household's bedroom, Enzo said that while the 'showmance' couple were still their main targets, having them in the house keeps 'the brigade' safe. All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News
  • Note: If you do not choose to treat your nonresident spouse as a US resident, you may be able to use head of household filing status.
  • This bracket will be rounded down to the nearest $50 for joint returns and head of household returns.
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