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head blight

  1. a blight of the heads of cereals

How To Use head blight In A Sentence

  • The grain-withering fungus called fusarium head blight has cost state farmers billions of dollars in past years. Undefined
  • Head scab, formally known as fusarium head blight, develops when conditions are wet during a key stage of crop development called flowering, which occurs at different times in the spring depending on location. Wet Weather Threatens U.S. Winter Wheat Crop
  • You can't pretend the wheat doesn't have head blight, a cow doesn't have blackleg, or that predators don't prey.
  • North Dakotan farmers think hemp could help break the hold of Fusarium Head Blight on their wheat. Dar Williams: Hemp: Republicans to the Rescue!
  • Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a worldwide devastating disease of wheat, barley and other small grain cereals and caused primarily by Fusarium graminearum.
  • Therefore, it is the main contents of research on Fusarium head blight (FHB) to dig out and locate new resistance gene. There is rich resistant germplasm in intraspecific and extraspecific of wheat.
  • These fungi are notorious for causing a disease called scab, or Fusarium head blight, in grains such as wheat and barley, as well as ear and stalk rot of corn.
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