How To Use harvest home In A Sentence
- Indeed, to celebrate harvest home a festive crowdie could be made with cream and sugar.
- August brings the sheaves of corn harvest home is borne.
- The last instance of their being spoken to, is thus still handed down by tradition: -- ''Twas on a beautifully clear evening in the month of August, when the last sheaf had crowned the last stack in their master's hagyard, and after calling the "harvest home," the daytale-men and household servants were enjoying themselves over massive pewter quarts foaming over with strong beer, that the subject of the evening's conversation at last turned upon the fairies of the neighbouring hill, and each related his oft-told tale which he had learned by rote from the lips of some parish grandame. Notes and Queries, Number 61, December 28, 1850
- The second of our rather regal offerings is a modern end terrace built by Harvest Homes about three years ago.