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hapax legomenon

  1. a word with a special meaning used for a special occasion

How To Use hapax legomenon In A Sentence

  • The term gopher wood appears only in the Flood account (thereby making it a hapax legomenon), and thus the Bible gives few clues to its actual meaning. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • An exhaustive search of databases and legal tomes reveals that we have here what the Greeks called a hapax legomenon—a word of which only one use is recorded in all literature. No Uncertain Terms
  • I have a problem, too, with Bill's suggestion that the meaning of ‘under God’ should be clear here even if the phrase is a hapax legomenon, since phrasal meaning is compositional.
  • This qualifies as what biblical exegetes call a hapax legomenon, the only known use in print, which makes it difficult to define. No Uncertain Terms
  • The term hapax legomenon), and could mean a lost species of tree, an antediluvian composite, or a lost art of producing wood for shipbuilding. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • In philology a hapax legomenon is almost always a word and is a problem because a single usage doesn't generally give us enough information to figure out what it means.
  • In fact, the phrase pledge allegiance is what linguists call a hapax legomenon, or hapax for short an expression that only occurs in a single place in the language, like wardrobe malfunction, Corinthian leather, or satisfactual. I Pledge Allegiance To Linguistic Obfuscation
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