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[ US /ˈhæŋki/ ]
[ UK /hˈæŋki/ ]
  1. a square piece of cloth used for wiping the eyes or nose or as a costume accessory

How To Use hanky In A Sentence

  • I'm here to tell you, down here in Jim Crow Heaven, the notion of hanky panky with a black woman worked like a charm. Linda Hansen: A Thousand Points of Blight: Lindsey Graham and the McSmear Campaign
  • _ No, thankyd be god, I haue faryd as well syns I went hens, as euer I dyd in all my lyffe. The Pilgrimage of Pure Devotion
  • She still carried her teef home inna hanky wiv her name awn, ob corse. Some assemblies required - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Since my customers are such suckers, I can now engage in profitable hanky-panky and none will be the wiser.
  • I had a hanky in my pocket and I started to mop the port up so it wouldn't stain his trousers.
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  • I m so blessed to be surrounded by such strong women who show such grace and humility when life hands them something hard to deal with. i heart you to pieces. thankyou from the bottom of my heart. we will get through this. new year. new start. xoxo, bb on January 2, 2008 at 9: 21 am | Reply Froggy A reawakening. «
  • After learning of the client's sad state of affairs, we launch into the meat of the show, where the cavalcade of aforementioned investigators track the suspect and run recon to see if there is indeed some illicit hanky-panky going on.
  • No one is suggesting, nor should they, that this is proof there's any financial hanky-panky going on.
  • I mean, it's no more esoteric or unusual than what anyone else does, but people don't get their knickers in a twist about Mr and Mrs Jones' hanky-panky.
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