How To Use Haldea In A Sentence
- Solar pantheism, which grew up among the Syrians of the Hellenistic period as a result of the influence of Chaldean astrolatry, imposed itself upon the whole Roman world under the empire. The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism
- When the Chaldean empire was absorbed into the Achaemenid, the name Chaldean lost its meaning as the name of an ethnic group, and came to be applied to a class. Think Progress » Defending ‘Tea Party Profiteers,’ Odom Tells Activists ‘We Should Reward Them With Our Pocketbooks’
- Chaldean superstition and Greek newfangledness, that had little to do, added In Praise of Folly
- BAGHDAD In between messages of love and faith, Mushtaq Zanbaqa, priest of the Holy Virgin Chaldean Catholic Church in east Baghdad, has a weekly plea for his Christian flock: Christians, targeted and suffering, flee Iraq
- In truth, 'Chaldea', like the mythical Gog and Magog, was probably a veiled reference to a magic, hidden kingdom that existed spiritually in the minds of ancient Middle Eastern men and women within their dreams at night. RedState
- Instances of the apocopated [Hebrew] (b) are common in the Chaldean or Syro – Chaldaic at the present day; e.g. [Arabic] (Yáheb Alaha) is pronounced Yáu-Alaha; The Land of Midian
- How could he possibly know what Joseph Ryan saw with those Chaldean eyes of his? BAD MEDICINE
- But God here difco - veis the great fecret of the two chaftife* ments he inflicb: a chaftifement of feve - rity upon the Chaldeans 5 a fatherly chaft - ifement on the Jews, who are his child* ren. A Universal History from the Beginning of the World to the Empire of Charlemagne
- Queen and a Chaldean soothsayer, which is one of the most powerful in the opera. The Opera A Sketch of the Development of Opera. With full Descriptions of all Works in the Modern Repertory.
- The old Egyptians and Chaldeans had many such words composed at will for theurgic operations. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night