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froth at the mouth

  1. be in a state of uncontrolled anger

How To Use froth at the mouth In A Sentence

  • Unprettily dubbed FYROM (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), it's not recognised as a state by neighbouring Greece because of the name issue - mention the word Macedonia to a Greek and they will instantly froth at the mouth. Travel news, travel guides and reviews |
  • Their hints at a possible agreement made reporters froth at the mouth and swat speculation back and forth between themselves.
  • Another kind blasts their way into our lives and brings to our knees and all we can do is froth at the mouth and make blood curdling “ khoon pey jayenge” type hyper bolic statements. Narrow Domestic Walls
  • His name still makes Australians froth at the mouth. Times, Sunday Times
  • His name still makes Australians froth at the mouth. Times, Sunday Times
  • His name still makes Australians froth at the mouth. Times, Sunday Times
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