- fine-toothed power saw with a narrow blade; used to cut curved outlines
How To Use fretsaw In A Sentence
- Ptolemy Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene were putting a jigsaw puzzle together, a scene of flowers, grass, and butterflies painted on thin wood that some master craftsman with a fretsaw had cut into small, irregular pieces. Antony and Cleopatra
- Finally, the synthetic system of noise fuzzy assessment developed was used to assess noises of a woodworking sander, planer, fretsaw, obtaining their noise assessment results.
- One man laboriously cut the pierced decoration with a fretsaw and a variety of steel punches.
- 'I had fun at Christmas, messing about a bit with the fretsaw.' Cafebabel.com
- Finally, the synthetic system of noise fuzzy assessment developed was used to assess noises of a woodworking sander, planer, fretsaw, obtaining their noise assessment results.
- Previously, puzzles were 'dissections' - not interlinked like modern sets - and were cut using a handheld fretsaw. This is Money | Home
- We bring eight hand-operated fretsaws and all the materials so people can make a piece of fretwork that they then take home.
- Pencil, ruler, fretsaw: The new National Furniture School hopes to provide skilled graduates for Britain's craft industry The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
- Ilya is requesting a loan of $1,000 to purchase some new equipment, such as electric drills and fretsaws because the tools he's been using are old and need frequent repairs.
- Then there is the ability to produce more unusually shaped pieces which traditional fretsaws or even laser cutting machines cannot replicate.