How To Use Franklin pierce In A Sentence
Let me thank WIPO staff for facilitating WHO collaboration with the Franklin Pierce Law Center at the University of New Hampshire.
It would no doubt surprise the reader, and no less so our Honorable Secretary of the Navy, should I say that I have seen George Washington, John Quincy Adams, Franklin Pierce, Rip Van Winkle, Allen G. Thurman and Hillary Herbert engaged together in a game of shinney.
Naming the Indians
This week on our series, we continue the story of the presidency of Franklin Pierce. And they talk about the presidential election of eighteen fifty-six.
Davis was secretary of war under President Franklin Pierce when the bridge was started and therefore was entitled to have his name chiseled on it.
More about the history and name of Cabin John Bridge
Page 26 income than was good for him — seeing that the per diem then paid Congressmen was altogether insufficient — and during the earlier days of his sojourn in the national capital he cut a wide swath; his principal yokemate in the pleasures and dissipations of those times being Franklin Pierce, at first a representative and then a senator from New Hampshire.
Marse Henry : an autobiography,

Congressmen was altogethr insufficient -- and during the earlier days of his sojourn in the national capital he cut a wide swath; his principal yokemate in the pleasures and dissipations of those times being Franklin Pierce, at first a representative and then a senator from New Hampshire.
Marse Henry (Volume 1) An Autobiography
Finally, on the forty-seventh ballot, support began to increase for one of the minor candidates. His name was Franklin Pierce.
Franklin Pierce was from the northeastern state of New Hampshire. He was a lawyer and former state lawmaker.
This week in our series, we talk about the presidency of Franklin Pierce.
Franklin Pierce was born in New Hampshire in 1804 57 years before the start of our Civil War behind his back they called him "doughface
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