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  1. a person who hates France and everything French

How To Use Francophobe In A Sentence

  • On France: I was a Francophobe before Francophobia was cool, but I actually had a splendid few days in France, surrounded by helpful strangers who were entirely accommodating to my recollection of 2 years of French, taken 15 years previous. Matthew Yglesias » The European Bogeyman
  • This good fortune is attributed to the owner, Mrs. Viola Vickham, an avowed Francophobe who refused to buy or serve any French imports, including the infamous "adverse cam(em)ber(t). Archive 2006-08-01
  • On France: I was a Francophobe before Francophobia was cool, but I actually had a splendid few days in France, surrounded by helpful strangers who were entirely accommodating to my recollection of 2 years of French, taken 15 years previous. Matthew Yglesias » The European Bogeyman
  • Weirder than anything you've seen on "Cops," scarier than the Sci Fi Channel, more changes of plans than "Trading Spaces," more Francophobe comments than "National Lampoon's European Vacation": welcome to Spring Break '03! Some Strange Spring Break
  • I'm not some sort of Francophobe; Mr. Bonnet shared his aversion with me when I visited the factory in Sunset Park last week to make heart-shaped Ring Dings with him. Ring Dings, From the Heart
  • And since the rival who had commissioned "Saint Jeanne" was a profound Francophobe .... The Gates Of Sleep
  • Instead the Emperor now turned to listen to his Francophobe minister Wratislaw and his Quartermaster-General, Mack, who had “imbibed the true essence of the French national spirit” and preached that “in war the object is to beat the enemy, not merely to avoid being beaten.” THE CAMPAIGNS OF NAPOLEON
  • The "tomorrow his tour takes him to France" line is, of course, a thinly-coded appeal to the idiot zenophobe/Francophobe base. McCain Jokes About Obama's Overseas Trip And Press Coverage
  • The Francophobe -- Francophile believes that about France. Neoconservatism: The Autobiography of an Idea
  • This campaign of Francophobe fibbing eventually contaminated the White House press briefings. Think Progress » January 2005: Gonzales Said Bush Did Not ‘Authorize Actions’ In Contravention of Our Criminal Statutes
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