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[ UK /fɹˈe‍ɪz/ ]
  1. a ruff for the neck worn in the 16th century
  2. sloping or horizontal rampart of pointed stakes

How To Use fraise In A Sentence

  • And trust mustn't even be used in the same sentence with Lotso, an ominously unctuous old teddy bear who's the eminence grise plus fraise; he smells of strawberries of the daycare center's playthings. An Ode to 'Toy'
  • Comme un lait fraise – Cheesecake à la vanille at aux fraises Foodbeam » Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir, says the bitter orange – Sexiest marmalade
  • Apparently, they are new fraises des bois crossed with steroids.
  • In relation to the small patchy areas on Packhouse Field, I think you are thinking, are you not, mainly of the patterns in the Fraises de Bois crop?
  • I will not linger over the desserts, though my companion swears that her fraises des bois, warm as the breath of panthers, are the most wonderful things that have ever passed her lips.
  • Here, it was a Suprême de fraise, sorbet cerise, arranged gracefully on a rectangular plate.
  • But I can't be allowed to think about this agonizing question for too long otherwise I start to yearn for canelés and financiers and every single item in my mom's baking repertoire, her tarte aux fraises in particular.
  • Why not combine fresh spring fraises with almonds for a fine tarte aux fraises frangipane?
  • Ring-Mounting machine is mainly used for mounting the reference-positioning ring to the tool and removing the ring from it on numerical controlled drill, fraise machine for etched circuit card.
  • I mean, under clafoutis a la fraise I do find the list of ingredients, but the actual recipe is nowhere to be found?
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