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[ UK /fˈɒkshə‍ʊl/ ]
[ US /ˈfɑksˌhoʊɫ/ ]
  1. a small dugout with a pit for individual shelter against enemy fire

How To Use foxhole In A Sentence

  • It was a war of foxholes, dugouts, and cold frontline patrols.
  • He learned about digging trenches and foxholes, using a bayonet, how to properly jump from an airplane and what to do if he happened to land in a tree.
  • I don't know about other folks but when I hear 'bipartisan' these days, I reach for my wallet and start looking for a foxhole.
  • Later, soldiers man their foxholes and listen as more artillery is heard hitting a town they may soon pass through.
  • They sleep in the same barracks, eat in the same dining facilities, and fight from the same foxholes and tanks.
  • A third-generation Marine, he lugged the same heavy pack, muscled the same kind of machine gun into his foxhole at night and took the same risks as any of the bigger men.
  • As those consulted explained, in the confusion of battle there is not time to work out who is the most senior of the five soldiers or officers crouched in a foxhole.
  • KING: He knows honest prayer, as opposed to "foxhole" prayer, or "Help me out today and I'll take care of it tomorrow. CNN Transcript May 29, 2005
  • The suspense on whether we did find a new tomb or just a "foxhole" was definitely stressful. KV 63: A Look at the New Tomb
  • There was no doubt about Bubba Deeters transmogrifi­cation: the street preacher who had found God in a foxhole deliquesced like day-old fungi, reformed as a green-striped amphisband with a head at each end, and slithered toward Vanni Fucci to get in on the action. Prayers To Broken Stones
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