How To Use four-wheeled In A Sentence
- There was a small, four-wheeled wagon with two llamas already hitched to the tongue.
- In the style of the times, whenever Rafaela went to church, she insisted on being taken in her four-wheeled carriage (calash) rather than walking! El Fuerte in Sinaloa, Mexico, was once the capital of Arizona
- The regular ambulance wagons of the medical department, two-wheeled and four-wheeled, were too few in number to meet the demand, and vehicles of every description from the artillery and other trains, _prolonges_, provision vans, everything on wheels that could be picked up on the battlefield, came rolling up with their ghastly loads; and later in the day even carrioles and market-gardeners 'carts were pressed into the service and harnessed to horses that were found straying along the roads. The Downfall
- I was driving to Croydon one morning in my four-wheeled one-'oss chay, and just as I got to Lilleywhite, the blacksmith's, below Brixton Hill, they had thrown up a drain -- a 'gulph' I may call it -- across the road for the purpose of repairing the gas-pipe -- I was rayther late as it was, for our 'ounds are werry punctual, and there was nothing for me but either to go a mile and a half about, or drive slap over the gulph. Jorrocks' Jaunts and Jollities
- On his expeditions Major Thomas Mitchell travelled with carts or drays, and in 1836 he had a four-wheeled wagonette to carry a portable boat.
- Rendered ballproof, and protected by an iron cone, and mounted on a four-wheeled carriage, it can be readily moved from place to place or kept on march with an army. Steam-Battery
- Also featured is a four-wheeled Thracian chariot.
- Detectives are trying to piece together the mystery behind a series of incidents leading to a four-wheeled drive car ploughing across a field at Witham and into a stock of new vehicles.
- [4] A calash was a light, four-wheeled carriage with a folding top. Letter from Robert Carter to William Camp, October 14, 1727
- Red Rover, a four-wheeled robot that has become a local celebrity in robot circles, made an appearance.