- generally any arch shaped structure (but often it refers to the arched roof of an anatomical space)
- an arched bundle of white fibers at the base of the brain by which the hippocampus of each hemisphere projects to the contralateral hippocampus and to the thalamus and mamillary bodies
How To Use fornix In A Sentence
- HOLISTIC MEDICINE It receives afferents via inferior colliculi (inferior corpora quadrigemina) and medial geniculate bodies (part of thalamus) from COCHLEA, via olfactory tracts from OLFACTORY NEUROEPITHELIUM and via fornix [ "fornix" means arch] from MAMILLARY BODIES and probably from VESTIBULAR NUCLEUS on its posterior aspect where equilibrium sense is projected. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
- The choroid vein runs along the whole length of the choroid plexus, and receives veins from the hippocampus, the fornix, and the corpus callosum. VII. The Veins. 3b. 4. The Veins of the Brain
- Or if you want to find the roots of the biquadratic without taking away the fccond term 1 fuppofe it to be of this fornix and the values of x will be A Treatise of Algebra: In Three Parts ; Containing
- The fornix, mamillary bodies, and part of the anterior commissure can also be seen.
- The fornix probably brings the cortical centers into relation with the reflex path that runs from the primary centers to the mammillary body and the tuber cinereum. IX. Neurology. 4e. Composition and Central Connections of the Spinal Nerves
- The rhinencephalon comprises the olfactory lobe, the uncus, the subcallosal and supracallosal gyri, the fascia dentata hippocampi, the septum pellucidum, the fornix, and the hippocampus. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
- In addition, the pyramidal cells send their axons into a large fiber tract (the fornix), which allows the pyramidal cells to be identified electrophysiologically by stimulating the axons in the fornix and backfiring the pyramidal cells. Eric R. Kandel - Autobiography
- To the recess behind the cervix the term posterior fornix is applied, while the smaller recesses in front and at the sides are called the anterior and lateral fornices. XI. Splanchnology. 3d. 4. The Vagina
- The septum pellucidum stretches across the interval between the genu of the corpus collosum and the columns of the fornix, separating the frontal horns of the two lateral ventricles.
- Ovarian pregnancy was often related to intrauterine device, repeated artificial abortion and cesarean section. Conclusion The doubtful cases should be performed posterior fornix...