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[ UK /fˈɔːlɒk/ ]
  1. a lock of hair growing (or falling) over the forehead
  2. a lock of a horse's mane that grows forward between the ears

How To Use forelock In A Sentence

  • This kind of forelock-tugging to the monarchy disappeared from the real world 40 years ago or more. The Sydney Morning Herald News Headlines
  • Most species have a mane on the neck and a lock of hair on the forepart of the head known as a forelock.
  • Every fleeting image was of a taller young man, perhaps in his early forties, a man with longish brown hair distinguished by a single white forelock falling into warm hazel eyes.
  • I have also dyed my hair deep blue with a pink forelock and magenta highlights. A Candid Line of Questioning
  • Two surgical hair restoration sessions were used to integrate transplanted hair into the resident terminal hair of the forelock, producing a central density that should persist for many years.
  • The tails and some forelocks of the horses, who were from different sires, were cut at the weekend, but the animals, belonging to various vendors, were not interfered with or injured in any other way.
  • An hour passed as I brushed him, trimmed his forelock, and picked his feet.
  • She laughed richly, and raised her hand and lightly brushed his messy forelock of hair. AN OLDER WOMAN
  • We are all serfs now, so we may as well tug our forelocks and bend the knee. Think Progress » ThinkFast: January 21, 2010
  • These people are not really 'conservatives' as we have known such people in earlier times, who were fundamentally decent people, but a newer breed of elitists who might more properly be called corpo-fascists based on their desired policies of instituting corporate governments primarily of, by and for the corporate-banker-investors, supportive of Big Business and treating the people more like serfs and slaves tugging the forelock in general and doing as Their Betters Require than citizens who rightfully own their democratic country. Lefty media bias? Hardly
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