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How To Use foregrounding In A Sentence

  • I think you deserve a bit of congratulations for "foregrounding" the "person who can't go to gig sells his ticket at cost price to best mate" angle ... you may well have saved us all well some of us anyway, at least those with slightly flawed babysitting arrangements quite a lot of court fees, fines etc. Burnham wants to criminalise football fans who sell their spare ticket to a mate
  • I can not organize the experience the way I organize my arguments, foregrounding certain details, glossing others.
  • Rather than foregrounding a central object when I gaze into a store window, I become interested instead in all that a single pane of glass can contain.
  • It is you who are "foregrounding" race and religion. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The foregrounding of the book-object in bibliophilic writing in fact tends to activate reversals and inversions suggesting that objects may constitute subjects rather than the other way around. Bibliographic Romance: Bibliophilia and the Book Object
  • Though tempered by comparison, the artist's stylistic extravagance - manifest in expressionistically smeared, splattered, and abraded paint handling - calls to mind Cecily Brown's fluent foregrounding of oil's in-the-flesh immediacy and the cunning ease with which obfuscatory gestures can suggest sexual frisson. ArtScene: Top Exhibitions in the West Highlight Opening Weeks of the New Season
  • Although Virginia Woolf's version of "psychological realism" needs to be taken as a special case -- it's so pure an attempt to stay within the flow of her character's stream of thought -- I would argue that most expository passages in modern fiction do in fact take place as part of the "foregrounding of psychology. Genre Fiction
  • The major achievements of O'Quinn's essay lie in foregrounding abolition and the slave trade as critical sites for the deployment of sexuality during the Romantic Loves: A Response to _Historicizing Romantic Sexuality_
  • Its strength lies in foregrounding the inner recesses of house and home as critical sites of history.
  • It is the sort of thing most readily identified as a "novel of ideas," although this novel may be the most insistent on foregrounding the "ideas" themselves as its central interest. The Reading Experience
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