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food grain

  1. foodstuff prepared from the starchy grains of cereal grasses

How To Use food grain In A Sentence

  • Government storehouses are overflowing with food grain.
  • The food grain was first domesticated over 10,000 years ago in the Middle East.
  • We have power shortages and shortages of food grain, vegetables and grocery items.
  • But by using the high-yielding varieties, fertilizing heavily, sowing at the right time, and managing the fields properly, the same farmer can now harvest five tons of wheat and seven tons of rice per hectare from the same land, a total of twelve metric tons of food grain per hectare per year, as contrasted with the two and a half tons which he obtained with the old varieties and methods. Norman Borlaug - Nobel Lecture
  • Soldiers reached Saidpur district late last week and have since distributed hundreds of tonnes of paraffin, shelter and food grains.
  • The food grain was first domesticated over 10,000 years ago in the Middle East.
  • Food grain is brought from Gojam and used to feed the people.
  • Nevertheless, linseed itself is sometimes used as a food grain in India, where the species originated and where flax has been cultivated since earliest times.
  • Plenty of food grains are publicly financed and publicly warehoused.
  • This army unit produces all its own food grain.
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