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[ UK /fˈɒndli/ ]
[ US /ˈfɑndɫi/ ]
  1. with fondness; with love
    she spoke to her children fondly

How To Use fondly In A Sentence

  • I remember this exchange fondly from the last time you posted it. One Last Poke – Brian Keene
  • Over the years, I'd gone from what I fondly imagined to be a switched-on, youngish-minded mum to a rancid, middle-aged harridan, glaring at shrieking texting huddles in the street – youngsters I didn't even know, but would consider lightly birching. It's all too easy to hate teens – try a little love instead | Barbara Ellen
  • If I hadn't loved Dinky-Dunk, fondly, foolishly, abandonedly, there would have been no little Dinkie and Poppsy and Pee-Wee. The Prairie Mother
  • Guardastagno (forgetting the lawes of respect and loyall friendship) became overfondly enamoured, expressing the same by such outward meanes, that the Lady her selfe tooke knowledge thereof, and not with any dislike, as it seemed, but rather lovingly entertained; yet she grew not so forgetfull of her honour and estimation, as the other did of faith to his friend. The Decameron
  • In his 1976 book The Dream Machine he looked back fondly on what he considered the golden age of American automaking -- 1946 to 1965. Jerry Flint, Dean Of Auto Writers, Dead At 79
  • He is fondly remembered by his neighbours and friends as a kind, helpful and inoffensive man.
  • lovers of the past looking fondly backward
  • Many fondly recall the megahertz race -- the 90s phenomena in which Advanced Micro Devices and Intel raced to have the highest-clocked processor. DailyTech Main News Feed
  • Some people fondly remember Seiko's Thermic watch, which runs continuously off body heat on 1 microwatt (one-millionth of a watt). Turning Body Heat Into Electricity
  • Films filled the gap, and he fondly itemises those he enjoyed ‘as a youngster‘.
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