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[ UK /fˈə‍ʊli/ ]
  1. (psychiatry) a psychological disorder of thought or emotion; a more neutral term than mental illness

How To Use folie In A Sentence

  • Il était brave mais avec cette graine de folie dans sa bravoure que les Français aiment. The Adventures of Gerard
  • At 19, she was a featured dancer at the Folies-Bergere in Paris.
  • They addressed friends and colleagues from behind electronic walls of accusatory e-mails and confrontational blog posts, and their storybook devotion to each other slowly warped into a shared madness — what is known as a folie à deux. Truly, Madly, Deeply
  • The French "revue," as one sees it at the Folies-Bergère, done somewhat roughly and sketchily, strikes one most of all by its curious want of consecution, its entire reliance on the point of this or that scene, costume, or performer. Plays, Acting and Music A Book Of Theory
  • It consistently indulged in folies de grandeur - and somehow it made them believable.
  • Say the word cabaret, and you think straight away of lines of scantily-clad can-can girls kicking their legs in the Moulin Rouge or Folies Bergeres in Paris. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • Also, Kristin, when I said "Vive la folie," I did not mean to underestimate la "folie" of the frustration you experienced -- if that's what you meant. Avant-propos - French Word-A-Day
  • Ballet enumerates a number of works upon so-called folie brightique which tend to prove that acute or chronic Bright's disease gives rise either to melancholic disorder or alternately to maniacal and melancholic disorder. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • Le Grande du Saulle has given to the disease in which there is a morbid doubt about everything done, the name folie de doute. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • And they seem to share a disorder, known as folie à deux syndrome, and hence reinforce their irrational beliefs. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
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