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flooded gum

  1. any of several Australian gum trees growing on moist or alluvial soil

How To Use flooded gum In A Sentence

  • I say, Joan, you remember the old Eight Mile Water-hole on Dingo Flat – middle of the patch of flooded gum and she-oak – that the Blacks used to say had no bottom to it? Lady Bridget in the Never-Never Land
  • The woods included every tree of the soil and climate, excepting a white and straight stemmed eucalyptus, which is common at Hunter's River, and there called the Flooded Gum; it is used and reckoned valuable for spars, but the few specimens that I have seen of it have been very brittle and bad. Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Performed between the years 1818 and 1822 — Volume 1
  • Sustainable logging continues in state-held eucalyptus forests and woodlands, with tallowwod, Sydney blue gum, spotted gum, blackbutt, and flooded gum harvested. Eastern Australian temperate forests
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