How To Use flocculation In A Sentence
- The degree of flocculation, and hence randomness of particle orientations on sedimentation, generally increases with the concentration and valency of the cations in the solution.
- The natural water treatment potential was adopted long before chemical water treatment methods, such as chlorination and flocculation, were discovered and applied. 1. Historical development and experience with water treatment
- Flocculation requires energy inputs for hydraulic or mechanical mixing, sludge removal in sedimentation tanks is often carried out with mechanical scrapers, and rapid sand filters are backwashed for filter cleaning. 1. Historical development and experience with water treatment
- Addition of collector or non-polar oil emulsion to extremely fine mineral suspension can intensify induction of hydrophobic flocculation of extremely fine mineral particles, forming floc.
- Understanding and grasping the characteristics of flocculent and flocculation mechanism. Determining the optimum conditions for flocculation.
- The preparation, application and its flocculation mechanism was introduced.
- Chemical flocculation in conjunction with sedimentation for solid matter separation is generally inapplicable in rural water supplies of developing countries for a number of reasons, such as unavailability of chemicals, inadequate dosing equipment, difficult operation and maintenance procedures, as well as lack of local technical skills and trained operators. Chapter 5
- Several previous reports have dealt with the experimental and theoretical aspects of depletion aggregation, often termed depletion flocculation, as applied to the general field of colloid chemistry.
- These tests used either complement fixation or flocculation techniques (Venereal Disease Research Laboratory [VDRL], rapid plasma reagin test, and automated reagin test).
- An industrial mixing wastewater from an economic developmental area was treated by ferrum aeration and neutralization flocculation process.