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flathead catfish

  1. large catfish of central United States having a flattened head and projecting jaw

How To Use flathead catfish In A Sentence

  • Today I went fishing for flathead catfish using sunfish as bait. Live bait for Flathead Catfish
  • When Stan Hagensick boated a 74-pound, state-record flathead catfish here last spring, he didn't just land a monster mudcat; he cemented La Crosse's reputation as a Midwestern fishing hotspot. UPPER MISSISSIPPI: Cats and Eyes
  • On November 2, 2009, 27-year-old Mississippi angler Joey Pounders caught a 77-pound flathead catfish in the Tennessee - Tombigbee Waterway. Caledonia, Mississippi Angler Catches (and Releases) New State Record Flathead Catfish
  • Whereas bullheads (Ameiurus sp.) and flathead catfish are evenly represented in the hand-collected sample, the flotation sample indicates that small bullheads were most commonly eaten.
  • In fact, around here, flathead catfish are introduced, and causing some problems with the native fish, so any removal of flathead is good news in my book. What do you guys think about noodling? have you ever gone? or do you think its wrong?
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