How To Use flat-bottom In A Sentence
- Flat-bottomed crossings are often installed to ensure that factors like the natural stream gradient and bed roughness allow fish passage.
- The distinctive flat-bottomed boats once used to transport the wine are still moored in the river, though today, more prosaically, the wine is brought down by road in stainless - steel tankers.
- The coble, so called because it was clinker-built in the manner of a Scotch fishing dinghy, very flat-bottomed, glided across the reef without grazing itself and stroked the mere 150 yards across the lagoon to the straight beach, where some of the surviving members of the community stood waiting: six women, one—the oldest—big with child, and five men whose ages, if their faces reflected their years, varied between shaveling young and grizzled old. Morgan’s Run
- From Hampi, round, flat-bottomed boats called coracles ferry people across the river to a rocky jetty, but that is only the beginning of the trip to the Anjanadri temple.
- These anaglyphs of Nirgal Valles and Maja Valles make it perfectly clear we're seeing deep flat-bottomed canyons with dune systems of some sort.
- Develop/wash in a flat-bottomed tray containing water with a dash of washing-up liquid added.
- Over on the river, flat-bottomed barges being loaded with cargo and refugees headed off down the river.
- These were flat-bottomed craft with a shallow draft, and were lowered from the davits of larger troop-carrying merchantmen, like lifeboats.
- The sky to-day is windrowed with flat-bottomed cumulus-clouds, tier beyond tier above a level plane of light, marking off the infinite distance like receding mile-stones on The Prairie Child
- The coble, so called because it was clinker-built in the manner of a Scotch fishing dinghy, very flat-bottomed, glided across the reef without grazing itself and stroked the mere 150 yards across the lagoon to the straight beach, where some of the surviving members of the community stood waiting: six women, one—the oldest—big with child, and five men whose ages, if their faces reflected their years, varied between shaveling young and grizzled old. Morgan’s Run