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  1. a transition (in literary or theatrical works or films) to a later event or scene that interrupts the normal chronological development of the story

How To Use flash-forward In A Sentence

  • In between, one could pluck out a few good ideas: the lovers singing over a freshly dug grave; the ever-present reminder of Morold's coffin; the flash-forward of decades in Act III. Berlin Boos an Inert and Ugly 'Tristan'
  • Yesterday, April 29, was the “flash-forward” date in the … » Bumped: FlashForward :TV Tonight
  • That particularly hampered the pacing during the death scene flash-forward. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » A Glimpse into the Editor’s Office: Editing Twilight
  • Even Wayne Rooney, who like all top players has "a picture in his head" – a three-second flash-forward of leaping possibilities – seems against Barcelona to have a picture only of looming disaster and catastrophic accident, flying around the pitch in a psychic panic looking for smouldering plug sockets, unsnuffed candles, ladders that wobble. Barcelona are just as processed as the premier burger on the menu | Barney Ronay
  • Our issue starts exactly where the last one ended, with an ominous flash-forward showing the Blue Blade, apparently dead at the hands of the Phantom Reporter. The Twelve #2 (of 12) | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • On the day in late July when I hiked up to Fort Tryon, the weather was cold and overcast---a strange flash-forward to fall. ABOUT THE AUTHOR
  • In classic Damages fashion, the deadly stakes are revealed in a flash-forward framework involving a prisoner being tortured in a war zone. Roush Review: Rescue Me and Damages
  • Why You Should Watch the Entire Finale: The producers hinted that the first five minutes may feature a flash-forward, while the last five minutes may include the John Williams score from the Superman films. 10 Things to Know About the Smallville Series Finale
  • Now flash-forward to the late 1990s, New York City. Boing Boing
  • In the Season 6 finale, a flash-forward revealed Barney's wedding day. HIMYM Producers Address 3 Burning Questions About the New Season
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